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  • Writer's pictureTaylor Made Nanny

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

With first-hand experience in caring for babies and children in some of the hottest countries, Dubai being one of them with the scorching heat during Ramadan. Walking outside is not possible, your glasses fog up and your body instantly sweats! But I would say the main difference would be is that everyone is more prepared for it. With air-con everywhere, drive-throughs and automatically cooling your car before you leave the house.

We are all trying our best to keep our houses cool during the hottest days of the year. Following mixed advice on keeping windows open and curtains closed. The thermometer is still red- my baby is boiling and grouchy. How do I get the temperature back between 16-20 .C!

If you don’t have these items already at home its worth an amazon order before the heatwave comes this weekend:

  • 0.5 sleep tog

  • Snooze shade

  • Thermometer

  • Fan

  • Air conditioner unit

  • Black out blinds

  • Handheld fan with spray

  • Breathable cotton or linen sheets

  • Ice Lolly moulds for the freezer

Working with children in extreme weather conditions is always challenging, from unbearable heats to unbelievably cold breezes. Being prepared for these conditions is vital especially when caring for the younger ages, who can’t yet regulate their own temperature.



I have bought all the recommended baby products but my home is southward facing and gets lots of great sunshine throughout the day. We struggle to get Emilys room lower than 23.C on an average day, meaning it's hard to settle Emily to sleep plus earlier wakings. All this recommended advice is not working for us, what else can we do?



1. Place ice under your fan to blow around cooler air, rather than blowing around the hot air within the room. You will notice a change instantly! Make this a fun activity and show your children how to make ice. You could use different food colourings so when the ice finally melts you can predict what colour the water might be.

2. If you are using a snooze shade, place it over the hood of your buggy and then loop it over the handle bars. This will allow baby to be shaded with a nice breeze coming though.

3. Hanging wet towels in front of the window/ fan will cool the room down- evaporative cooling.

4. Place bean/ rice bags into the freezer and use during nap times or place inside clothing to keep cool. Another activity you can do at home, filling socks with rice or making your own material bags.

5. Using breathable cotton or linen sheets, remove any waterproof sheets to prevent overheating.

6. Its ok to sleep in a different room if you annoyingly sleep in the hottest room of the house. - Try to create a comfortable sleep environment in a cooler room. Example: Safe, dark, quiet and cool.

7. Follow your sleep tog guidelines, reducing the risk of SIDS and keeping your little ones cool throughout the night. WATCH OUT -from around 3 am our body temperatures drop, any night waking around this time will most likely be the cause of your little ones getting the chills.

8. Enjoy a cooler bath, don’t be afraid to run a slightly cooler bath and having a shorter bath time if needed. Before starting bath time, prepare the environment you want your baby to enter after bath time. This will encourage a stress free and cooler bedtime routine.

9. Check baby’s temperature with the back of your hand, by touching their chest or back (not their hands).

10. Keep hydrated, breastfed babies do not need water. Formula fed babies under 6 months can drink little amounts of cool boiled water.

11. Place water wipes into the fridge to keep yourself cool, enjoyable hugs rather than clammy ones.

12. If you have toddlers running around, wet a tea towel and place over their shoulders to keep cool.

13. Enjoy eating more refreshing fruits from the fridge, fruits with higher water content are great for keeping hydrated e.g. watermelon. Making ice lollies with fruits and decorating with yoghurt, yum!




With my thick curly hair a headband Is my go to hair product to keep my hair off my face, also great for blocking out the humidity frizz.

Jade Roller:

This instantly feels amazing on your skin! Brightening, tightening and getting rid of any lines whilst cooling down your face! (I place mine in the fridge, until use).

Face Mist:

You'll find this in my everyday baby bag, especially when flying.. alongside hand sanitiser.

Yeti Tumbler

If you put an ice cube in here it would still be there after a few hours, I got one as a gift from my brother from the USA. Its amazing and keeps my drinks cold all day, thanks again!

All the best,

Taylor Made Nanny

  • Writer's pictureTaylor Made Nanny
“I’m an advocate of ‘indiscreet’ breastfeeding- the more that people see babies at the breast, the more normal it will be”.
Dr. Jack Newman

I want to start off by saying thank you to all those mammas who shared their breastfeeding tips for this blog, offering to help other mammas around the world who might be struggling with breastfeeding. Hopefully there will be something here which may make your breastfeeding journey slightly more comfortable or enable you to have more confidence to seek for extra support. With so many useful points to consider, I have separated them into three sections: Preparation, Breast Care and Feeding.


When feeding your baby, make sure you are comfortable and relaxed, your baby will feel if you are stressed and tensed so try and portray the emotions you want your baby to feel (easier said than done). Having everything you may need at an arm reach away, will allow you to spend more time in the moment with your baby.

Invest in a comfy chair, find a chair that will be comfortable for your shape and build, allowing you to rest your arms down when needed. This chair can be used throughout your baby’s childhood for story time and snuggles, so don’t be too put off by the price.

Use a pillow, if you are starting to get back pain make sure you are attending to your needs and not just your babies. Putting a pillow on your lap to raise baby to breast rather than breast to baby which may arch your back.

Sit on a rubber ring, if you are finding it sore to sit down after birth. Place a rubber ring (small size) down underneath you. This will take the pressure off! You can equally design the same shape with the use of rolled towels.

Keep water by your side, breast feeding is thirsty work. Keeping hydrated is very important this will: boost your energy levels, encourage digestion and flush out any toxins within the body and don’t forget it keeps your skin hydrated too!

Keep a snack stash, having a cooled box of healthy snacks at arm reach from your chair is key as this will help to keep your energy levels and strength up. This might include fresh fruit, hummus and bread, flapjacks, sandwiches and yoghurts. (

Muslin ready- Before you settle down to feed, make sure you have a muslin ready. This will be used for any spilt-up milk or dribble. You can also place your muslin over your hand if you are burping your baby in a seated position, or over your shoulder.

Breast Care

“Nursing does not diminish the beauty of a women’s breasts; it enhances their charm by making them look lived in and happy”.
Robert A. Heinlein

Are your nipples sore? Try using nipple shields and see if this relieves any of the pain.

Are your nipples tender? Place breast pads in your bra to prevent any contact to unwanted fabrics.

Are your nipples causing you pain? Apply cool breast pads/ cool gel pads onto your nipples after feeding. This will help soothe and even heal the nipple if it is cracked.

My breasts are engorged, help! You can hand express to relieve pain, or massage in a warm shower.

What can I do with engorged breasts? Place washed cabbage leaves onto your breasts and you can leave these in your bra. Cabbage leaves absorb fluid from the glands, so make sure you stop using them after your breasts start to feel better.

How should I wash myself when breastfeeding? When washing make sure you do not use any harsh chemicals on your skin, a gentle wash is all you need.

Are your breasts sore? Make sure you give your breasts some airtime away from clothes and fabrics.


“If we wear our nursing covers backwards like capes, then everyone can see we’re breastfeeding superheroes”.
Cassi Clark

Tongue tie - Before you get released from hospital make sure you get the health care professionals to check for tongue tie. Tongue tie might prevent your baby from latching on properly, causing it to be painful when you do and difficulties when feeding. If your baby has had his tongue tie sorted, be aware that it can grow back.

Sleepy baby - During the first couple of weeks baby is very sleepy, by tickling your babies’ feet or changing their nappy halfway through will gently wake a sleepy baby. This will stop your baby from falling asleep on the breast and making sure they are getting a full feed. By waking your baby you’re creating good sleeping habits by not associating feeding with sleep (easier said than done).

Swapping breasts- Swap breasts evenly to help stimulate your milk supply, using apps can help keep track (Baby Tracker App).

Finding it hard to latch? You need to gently but firmly put your baby to the breast, you want to get their mouth around the breast and not just the areola. Placing nose to nipple and chin to breast.

Making breast feeding easier- Wear clothing with quick easy access, such as; wraps, buttons or maternity tops. Making feeding anywhere and everywhere easier.

Leaking is normal- Are your breasts leaking? Not to worry place breast pads inside your bra or use a Haakaa. This will naturally catch any leakage to save for another feed, without over stimulating the breasts. If your let down is strong and makes your other breast leak whilst feeding, you can place the Haakka on to collect any let down milk. Use a Haakaa with a base and lid so it can stand and be covered.

Baby only sleeps on me after a feed- After feeding place a breast cloth into your bra or over your breast, you can then give this to baby when sleeping to help settle.

Ouch, taking baby off hurts- When you want to take your baby off the breast, use a clean finger to break the latch, do not just pull away.

“Whoever said ‘there’s no use crying over spilled milk’ obviously never pumped six ounces and accidentally spilled it.”
Author unknown


“Expressing is still breastfeeding”

“Go with your mum instinct”

“Give time for yourself in between feeds even if you can find 5 minutes”

“If your struggling with breastfeeding it is worth getting help from a lactation consultant”

“Fed is best, not breast is best”

“If you are happy and baby is happy, then that’s all what matters”

“Your baby, your choice” Taylor Made Nanny

All the best,

Taylor Made Nanny

  • Writer's pictureTaylor Made Nanny


Are you taking your baby out for the first time and feeling overwhelmed? Not to worry its completely natural for you to feel that way, your hormones are on full time mum protection mode. Here are a few things you can do to help.

1. Take a walk up and down your road so you get used to the idea of leaving the house. This might sound bazar but this will help release any form of anxiety, making you feel comfortable and safe leaving the proximity of your own home with no added pressure.

2. Baby bag essentials, make sure you have your essentials and antibacterial gel. If you are only going down the road don’t feel you need to over pack. Make sure your baby bag is organised before you leave the house, this way when out in public items are easy to find/ use.

3. Baby carrier, if you have the space why not pack your baby carrier. If you are catching up with friends, you may want your hands free. Having your baby carrier as back up is always a lovely way to keep close to your baby in new situations/ environments. If you haven’t used your carrier yet, practice putting it on/ off so you feel comfortable to use it in possibly more stressful situations.

4. Stay local, If you are feeling overwhelmed why not visit somewhere you have already been for example: A park which you know has a nice wide foot path. Due to Covid going to cafes might be out of the question, Inviting friends to your garden might be the perfect solution. If your travelling alone -when opening doors with your buggy, lead in with your dominant arm to push or pull the door open (or using your back or elbow whenever possible on a push door). Use your leg/ foot to hold the door in place so you have the space to move your buggy through. I thought I would add this point in as this can always be a struggle, especially if you are travelling alone and keeping your distance from those around.

5. Plan to leave 15 minutes earlier then expected, that way you are more likely to be on time. When leaving the house with your baby it will obviously take longer to leave the house. This will give you time to change nappies if needed or top up on a feed before you leave. If you are early, you have first dibs on the table choice and seating arrangements.


All the best,

Taylor Made Nanny

Blog: Blog2
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